
Real Estate

Accelerate Your Real Estate Transactions

In the highly competitive real estate industry, expediting transactions is essential to closing deals successfully. Our trust platform is designed to support you throughout the entire digital trust chain, from identification to contract signing, ensuring compliance with all regulations, especially the 4th European directive. Our value-added services further accelerate your real estate processes, helping you build trust with your clients faster. 

KYC Solution

Digital Identity 

In the fast-paced real estate industry, signing leases and selling properties involves collecting and verifying numerous documents required by law. The document burden and due diligence required in property sales canters on verifying the identity and financial situation of all counterparts in a transaction. With our ID check app, you gain access to an integrated trust platform to verify the identity of your customers and ensure compliance and security for all your real estate transactions. Combining AI processing and expert human intelligence guarantees a seamless digital identity verification process with a pass rate close to 100%. 

Electronic Signature 

Once the identification and verification steps are completed, the next step in the real estate contractual process can be accelerated with our electronic signature solution. More and more buyers, lessors, and tenants are accustomed to quick and straightforward signing processes that can be completed from anywhere. It supports simple, advanced, and qualified signatures to meet different document requirements (contracts, agreements, rentals, inventories, refinancing, etc.). Each signature is fully eIDAS compliant and accompanied by a timestamped proof file, ensuring authenticity and validity. 

Electronic Signature
Archiving system

NF 461 Certified Electronic Archiving for Real Estate 

Real estate professionals face challenges in storing and sharing documents. Our document archive app helps you meet these challenges effectively while adhering to all real estate transaction regulations. You can create specific archiving policies to store: 

  • Notices and letters 
  • Contracts, including commercial, sales, and rentals 
  • Inventories and other supporting documents 
  • Various binding and non-binding agreements 
  • Financing and refinancing documents 
  • Architectural or other technical information 

Our NF 461-certified electronic archiving solution offers fast access to your files, advanced search features, customizable classification, and secure document disposal. It also includes long-term preservation services for legal or historical reasons. Regardless of document types and compliance requirements, our solution helps you streamline and create rule-based automation for document archiving. 

NFZ42-020 Compliant File Vault

With data leaks and breaches at an all-time high, the demands to protect sensitive documents and ensure they retain the highest probative value are constantly rising. Our digital vault app lets you securely store sensitive data, including your customers’ personal information, financial reports, and risk assessments. It complies with the NFZ42-020 standard and is hosted on a sovereign cloud (ISO27001 – HDS). Granular user permissions guarantee that only authorized individuals can access relevant documents.  


A Single Trusted Partner for Real Estate

You can automate your document processing by choosing our eIDAS-certified digital trust solutions. Whether you are a real estate agent, developer, or participant in the real estate industry, we support you to ensure compliance with sector-specific regulations. Furthermore, you can streamline your operations with our specialized trust services offered to real estate companies. We partner with you to ensure the integrity of your processes and comply with the regulations specific to the real estate industry:
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Real estate developers
Facilitate all real estate transactions to accelerate sales and revenue generations.  
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Real estate agencies
Improve all interactions with end customers for a lasting competitive advantage.  
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Housing associations (social landlords)
Quickly verify the identity to validate the allocation of housing to the right person. 
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Co-ownership trustees
Quickly process all legally required documents securely and transparently.