
Sales & Marketing

Accelerate Customer Signup and Onboarding

Our trust platform enables marketing and sales department professionals to accelerate pipeline and revenue by building great relationships with customers faster. We can help you streamline customer experience with an excellent pass rate without cutting corners on regulation compliance. 

KYC Solution

Digitalize and secure your onboarding processes

Leverage our mobile and web solutions in your onboarding journey to improve the overall conversion rate. Simplify and streamline complex services with a proven and intuitive solution. With our tools, you will be able to: 

  • Personalize the customer experience. 
  • Identify fraud risks 
  • Track the customer lifecycle 
  • Improve customer engagement 
  • Comply with regulatory issues. 

Our eIDAS-certified facial recognition tools verify user identity through selfies and videos, ensuring liveness and preventing identity theft. In addition, our AML-CFT systems retrieve risk-related information to flag high-risk new signups. Combining AI processing and expert human intelligence ensures onboarding is completed quickly without compromising risk management and compliance. 

Accelerate the signature of your offers/services

E-commerce has accelerated the use of electronic signatures. In particular, it simplifies the sales process and enhances the customer experience. It also reduces costs and lead times while offering an undeniable competitive advantage.

Relying on an eiDAs-certified partner, such as be ys, offers you all the guarantees you need to comply with European regulations. The electronic signature provides the same legal guarantees as its paper counterpart and can be brought to the attention of a court in the event of a dispute. Integrating with all business tools or websites, our electronic signature solution speeds up service subscriptions, direct debit subscriptions or online sales. Customers can sign their contracts or authorize direct debits wherever they are, in complete autonomy.

Electronic Signature
Archiving system

Find your documents easily

Managing and retaining signed documents can present challenges, particularly when compliance mandates long-term retention. With our NF 461-certified solution, you can easily: 

  • Manage customer documents: contracts, invoices, quotes, and correspondence. 
  • Keep customer data, sales, and market trends. 
  • Store information about competitors’ market research. 
  • Track and store commercial contracts. 
  • Be compliant and regulatory: compliance with data storage standards. 
  • History of products and services (patent conservation, notices, etc.) 
  • Collaborate and share information 

Our document archiving solution provides efficient document management, ensuring regulatory compliance.

Keep your documents safe

Our electronic vault provides marketing and sales departments with a secure, well-structured solution for managing data, documents, and critical information.

By relying on our digital file safe, you offer your customers all the guarantees they need while also providing them with genuine quality of service. All your information is stored in our secure safe, compliant with the NFZ42-020 standard, and hosted in our sovereign cloud, certified ISO27001 – HDS.
